Award winner 2023: Rebecca Greune
Rebecca Greune wins the "Future of Dentistry Award 2023" with her study on the topic: "Framework Design of Zirconia Pendant Bridges on Ceramic Implants."
Award winner 2023
The big day has arrived: the prestigious "Future of Dentistry Award @Dentaprime" from the Dentaprime dental clinic has been presented. This year's winner, Rebecca Greune, assistant dentist from the University Centre for Dental Medicine in Basel, received the award, which is endowed with 3,000 euros.
Rebecca Greune won the research prize with her Master's thesis, which she completed as part of her studies at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Basel. The young scientist impressed the jury with the innovative strength and scientific value of her study, which is entitled: "Framework design of zirconia pendant bridges on ceramic implants."
Dr Ivan Peev, a member of the jury, is delighted with the results of Greune's research and emphasises their relevance for practice: "This is a particularly exciting topic for us at Dentaprime Dental Clinic," he says, "as we often work with zirconia implant systems in our day-to-day clinical work. It is only thanks to continuous research that we can offer our patients ever better treatments and results."
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Previous award winners
Award winner 2022: Tara Groß
Award Winner Tara Groß (centre) with Dr Ivan Peev (2nd from right) and Dr Stanimira Stefanova (2nd from left). The expert jury was impressed with her research on the topic of “Biomechanical modulation of stem cells from dental pulp”.
Award winner 2021: Sonja Südbeck
Sonja Südbeck and her team from the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich convinced with their study on "A new implant system with directly screw-retained single-tooth crowns: The influence of crown material, sintering protocol and artificial ageing on the bending moment".
Award winner 2019: Jonas Lorenz
In 2019 PD Dr. med. dent. Dr. med habil Jonas Lorenz from Frankfurt Universitätsklinikum convinced the jury of the Future of Dentistry Award with his paper: "Prospective long-term study on zirconium implants: Patient satisfaction, clinical and microbiological parameters".
Award winner 2018: Kristian Kniha
The team from the Clinic and Polyclinic for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the University Hospital of RWTH Aachen led by Dr. med. dent. Kristian Kniha won the Future of Dentistry Award in 2018 with their work: "Influence of horizontal dimensions around single gap and adjacent zirconia implants on the papilla - A cross-sectional survey".
Award winner 2014: Vasiliki Tsita
In 2014, a team from the Department of Prosthodontics at Halle University Hospital led by Dr Vasiliki Tsita won the Future of Dentistry Award with their study on "The precision of CT-planned and guided implantology in the edentulous jaw".
Convince us with your paper!
You can send your application in digital form to
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or by post to the following address:
c/o Krings Kommunikation
PO Box 11 63
48302 Senden, Germany
About us:
Dentaprime dental clinics in Varna and London specialise in fixed implant-supported dentures. Since the launch of the new treatment centre in 2020, Dentaprime has the largest non-government dental clinic in Europe. A state-of-the-art and fully digitalised workflow are at the core of our philosophy.
In order to make treatments in dentistry safer and more efficient, we depend on constant research and development. To support this, we have established the Future of Dentistry Award.
Varna is a port city on the Black Sea coast of Bulgaria. The beautiful location between wild mountains and endless sandy beaches, not far from the famous Gold Beach, makes the city a popular tourist destination in summer. Clear water, white sand and pleasantly warm weather turn every visit into a magical experience.
But Varna is also considered a cultural centre, offers an exciting history and is internationally known for its festivals.